
Archive for the ‘Philosophy’ Category

Bittersweet Symphony

December 21, 2009 1 comment

If you’ve ever listened to The Verve, you know there’s one epic song titled “Bittersweet Symphony.”
Truer words never spoken. For example, the following lyric:
“’cause it’s a bitter sweet symphony this life… Trying to make ends meet, you’re a slave to the money then you die.”

Life is a symphony. An ordered symphony that moves at a predicted pace. Human beings today are ordered to work for their whole life. Even childhood isn’t as great as it can be. Children are sent to school, and study to get a job that makes good pay. There is nothing more to education than just that. What happened to Plato’s ideal world? Where there is no foolish currency, and  society is brought up through intelligence. Studious. Hypothetical. Philosophical.

It’s silly that all we do is study and study and study, and there isn’t anything more to that. Studying does not, I repeat, does not equal intelligence. Intelligence is properly characterized by the mind thinking quickly and rationally, while being in the calm.

A philosopher is intelligent. Philosophers reflect on every possible motion through logic and reality. What is after life? We don’t know. Whether there is a Heaven or a Hell, or neither, is it really worth working ourselves to exhaustion and not accomplish the basics of life? What do grades and yearly salary matter after death anyways?

Think about it. Sit down and think. Just for an hour, or ten minutes even. Just think. Reflect on everything you have done for the week, or reflect on your whole life. Forget your mistakes and concentrate on what you have done to make yourself an intelligent being.
You’ll realize some things you never imagined.

Aesthetic of a Dream

September 4, 2009 3 comments

It would be quite the understatement to call me the least active contributer to this blog; however I will forgo situational excuses and explain that I just purely could not for the life of me come up with any material that I deemed worthy of the blogosphere. However, I know my colleagues who post alongside me, on quite a more regular basis I may add, will accept a late blog post rather than the complete silence of my keyboard.

Right now though, I am embarking on a new quest; a quest of self discovery and peer relationship building. This could be simply summed up in the two words; “Frosh Week”. For instance, amidst all the events, all the embarrassing stunts, all the wild parties, if you really sit down and think about what you’ve been doing, you realize that you are building relationships amongst your peers, finding new people that you can really depend upon, breaking out of your shell in order to participate in everything that you will never have enough time to do during your school year, not to mention asserting your own independence, by holding your own in a new environment where you must adapt in order to be successful.

It was during my quest however, with the new friends that I’ve made; I was able to watch a movie that I believe will entirely impress a single message upon any viewer who watches it. The movie in question was “American Beauty”, although not the newest, or even the most eye-catching movie I’ve ever seen, there is a quality about it that will captivate you, I for one did not say a single word throughout the duration of the film. This isn’t a review, nor is it a summary of the plot, but the one thing that gave this movie such an amazing and utterly intense aura would have to be one thing. Truth.

I couldn’t help but notice that the main theme for each and every character, was to strive to achieve their vision of beauty in their own life. While we all know that our everyday life is a far cry from perfection, we never really latch onto the fact that we can still make the most of it, only the things we lack that compromise our vision of a beautiful life get any attention, which obscures any true meaning to the things we do. To put it simply, we need to find a way to keep our ideal life, from taking over our current life; because the things we lack from perfection, will consume how we live our lives, ultimately causing resent and bitterness.

I definitely think that “American Beauty” was one of the most intense movies that I have ever seen; one of the few that made me think, and clearly relate to the idea of chasing perfection.

As of starting this post, I have done nothing but state the first thing that comes to my head, in order to even begin to wrap my head around everything that “American Beauty” stands for, sadly however sleep beckons, and keeping a mistress waiting is quite the mistake to make.

Sperm Cells from Stem Cells

After reading about this new-found discovery… I sort of laughed. And I laughed even more so when I read an article on BBC describing how many bloggers out there and other random people (mostly women) thought of this. Sadly, the majority of them thought that it makes men redundant and irrelevant. Why need men when you can create artificial sperm?

I am absolutely cracking up at the thought of this. What is the world without men? Absolutely nothing. If we think  about it, by attempting to eradicate men, we make men into a species. I personally, don’t want to be considered a species based on my gender.

Women are the intellectual and emotional types. Women are able to think critically and have a strong sense of emotion, which allows them to become such doting parents.  Men are the epitome of muscle. We don’t like using our brain too much, although we love using our brawn, and even showing it off. Men and women are like conjoined twins. We cannot live without each other, nor can we live with each other.

With human sperm being created in a petri dish, this changes all that. It seems to many people, that the opposite sex can indeed, live without each other. But essentially, we cannot. If that were to become the case, then the emotion of “love” due to sexual attraction will all but be gone. Children who will be brought up in a world where there are no men, will grow to be quite inept compared to those who are. Children learn various skills from both the male and female parent. The male concentrates on physical activities, while the female concentrates on the skill aptitute.

What happens to male children who are born into an all-female society? Are these children brought up in care through family or are they simply grown to feel inferior to their female counterparts and live a submissive life? This simply destroys all values of equality.

In the evolutionary sense, sexual dimorphism will also disappear – truly giving way to an all-female world. Modern men and women have lived in the same world for more than 200, 000 years (close to seven million, depending on how you look at it). Why not live together even longer?

In the end, I don’t see a world without men. I don’t see a world without women, either. But if we begin to use artificial human sperm to supplement our feelings of revenge or supreriority, the world may be a darker place (especially for men).

Here is what a gentleman on blog says about this new discovery:

WE MUST CRUSH THIS! Take away their funding, burn all evidence, delete all records, kidnap and kill those who made the discovery and then bury this entire story under some celebrity scandal. Men can’t become irrelevant!

I wholly agree 🙂

Read more…

The Internet = Culture… The Best Culture Of Them All?

May 24, 2009 Leave a comment

 This was proposed to me a few days ago that the internet in itself was a culture. The culture of the internet consists of several different personalities all with relatively the same goal: Attention. The internet is full of people who all crave attention, whether it be for something they wrote or to stir up come controversy in what they did. The internet can manage to change the way a country or a society thinks just like a culture can (Pop culture for example) A lot of thinks can be broken because of cultures.

  We can take a look at how the internet changed the way people look at video because of the Rick Roll. The internet culture may be hard to define by looking at a person where other cultures aren’t difficult to figure out. The internet is a great culture, because it manages to stir up the world so well. Unlike most cultures today, the internet culture is one that can take actions.. and I believe it is the best one.

Conspiracy – Maybe We’re All Crazy

Ever felt like the whole world is a conspiracy? That in actuality even your life is formed by someone, or someone(s)? For example, take America.

Everything that has started from the industrial revolution to the information era, all the presidents and wars and lies were used to create a large conspiracy. To hide the true awesome truth. Maybe also the question is that God doesn’t exist (although I truly do believe in God and His existence). That even the Westboro Baptist Church was created by a few people to brainwash many and control a whole country. Then that vast expand can conquer the world.

Ever felt like the world is forcing you to shape and that every thought you have is not in fact foolish, but honest. The world is forcing you to change and not notice the conspiracy’s existence. That even psychological explanations of denial were created to offset any imbalance of a secret being lost in the conspiracy.

I’ve felt like that. Maybe it is fate and my realization to it.


I wrote this a couple months back. It was basically me talking to myself. In a sense that, “me” is the person that is conscious and “myself” is the person or double personality that roams my mind day in and day out; and so this is the conversation that then erupted from that. It’s really weird and sci-fi and is confusing when read quickly. Those that may have studied psychology may know exactly what’s going on.  This is the topic called… happiness.


So what is it that you desire?
I don’t know.

Is there something you’ve always wanted?
Well yes, but it’s all been material.

Have you never tasted happiness?
I have.

What would make you happy?
I don’t know.

Look into yourself, what would make you smile forever?
I-I don’t know.

You see nothing?
I see nothing.

Would you like to have me?

Do you?
There was a time when I did. But you are no longer any worth to me.

Is that so? I cannot make you happy?
No you cannot.

Are so sure of that? I can fulfill all your desires.
Can you? Are you sure of that?

Yes I am.
Then why is that you threw me into inconceivable pain?

It was a test.
A test was it? A test that you failed?

This test was not aimed at me. it was aimed at you.
You fool, it was aimed at both of us.

I did not fail any test!
Ignorance has an end. You desired me.

You still want me don’t you?
I will only want you if you want me. Do you want me?

I do not want you.
Then you will never have me.

Do you not require happiness?
I have lived without inscrutable happiness, I can survive.

Do you have no desire to live?
I have every desire to live.

What is that desire?
To rule.


December 9, 2008 85 comments

What is music?

We hear music everywhere we go and yet we call almost every sound the sound of music. But what really is “music”? How can we define it?

I believe music is that which causes emotion.

If music causes one to feel anger, hate, jealousy, that is music.

If music causes sadness, feeling, and fear, that is music.

If music causes happiness, goodwill, and well-being, that is music.

As long as music causes a change in mood, a change in emotion, then that is what I define as “music”.

You may see it differently, so I would like to know what your definition of music is!


There are so many definitions for an enemy. We wonder which one might be right, we combine them to find out if that could be the correct definition, alas, we never end up on an answer.

Hermann Hesse said in a famous quote:

“If you hate a person, you hate something in him that is part of yourself. What isn’t part of ourselves doesn’t disturb us.”

So could it be that our enemies are simply those that could be the same as us? Do we really hate knowing that our personality could be shared among others? Is the human race so primitive that we are jealous at base levels? It sure makes sense to me; though perhaps not completely. Even from this I feel there is a gap between the complete definition.

Well, believe what you may, I know that I believe the enemy of my friend is also my enemy.