
Posts Tagged ‘gutfeld’

Red Eye For The Alcoholic?

March 26, 2009 2 comments

As many of you fellow Canadians may have heard, the host of a late night FOX show Greg Gutfeld completely insulted Canada with his fellow peers. The show is called Red Eye With Greg Gutfeld, and airs at 2:00 AM on FOX (only because it barely ever gets any viewers) and in a segment a few days ago he insulted Canadian soldiers with foul mockery. Here is a YouTube link from CBC where you can watch the Canada-bashing segment.

Ahh America, your constant stupidity that is fed through FOX News is just utterly, unimaginable. I don’t find it as insulting as most Canadians may, only because with all the debating I’ve done against Americans, all of their arguments arise from FOX News fed fodder. It is not new news to me. So it doesn’t surprise me that such stupidity can exist on FOX about even us Canadians. Gutfeld misinterpreted the words of Canadian General Andrew Leslie by saying that Canada is taking a year off from Afghanistan, when in actuality Leslie only mentioned that the military will require a small breather once it pulls out of Afghanistan.

Although with four dead and heroic Canadian soldiers returning to Canada, Gutfeld can keep on insulting Canada in our time of grief.  There is a time when sarcasm and humour exists in a light way to create some laughs, but what Gutfeld did was far from a joke, it was much too serious. For myself, while I was watching the video, I was appalled by the idiocy showed by the people on Red Eye With Greg Gutfeld. The funniest thing I found in the video was that, these idiotic Americans speak of themselves as being strong and victorious, when in seven years, they did nothing to help Afghanistan except turn it into rubble and have not won the war in Iraq. Canada was in World War One and Two before the Americans and we made tremendous victories. The Canadian military is not to be taken so lightly.

This “satirical play on news” came at a most inappropriate time. But that is FOX for you, ladies and gentlemen. When Obama is attempting to change the country, ill-informed idiots continue to ruin what image is left of America. I think what Gutfeld really needs, is a black eye.

The full video of the segment is here: